What is MirrorCache?

MirrorCache is a Web Server for files download, which will route download requests to an appropriate mirror. MirrorCache doesn’t store files and instead keeps in DB list of files from the Main Server.

According to Wikipedia "Cache - is a component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster". In this regard MirrorCache is a cache of (meta)information about geographical location of files.

"Cache hit" means that MirrorCache was able to redirect to proper (the closest) mirror. "Cache miss" means that MirrorCache had to redirect request to the Main Server.


Automatic installation with yast one-click-install

Simply search on software.opensuse.org for your distribution and install the package

Manual installation


# AS USER root
zypper ar -f obs://openSUSE:infrastructure:MirrorCache MirrorCache
zypper ref -s
zypper in MirrorCache

Overview and Concept

Here is the perfect place to provide a nice picture of the process...

Data flow inside MirrorCache